Friday 31 October 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep.6 - Some Sleepless Nights

Symptoms are the signs of a condition which has been explained and defined properly. It tells us about the underlying problem and has been seen in many cases in different people and so have been largely generalized. That's the wiki definition. Strange right? I am sometimes amused by the definitions which are given to such words which are so commonly used without even knowing their meaning. Now let me stop boring you and get straight to what you have come for.

Before starting telling the tale of Sourav, (Don't know who he is? Read the previous episode to find out) let me make this clear and some sort of disclaimer that this is inspired by real life incidents and not my life story as asked by some of my friends. Life can't be that filmy.

Apart from all the things I have been engaged into recently, I must not forget that I am a student and my primary aim is studying from which I am deviating, deliberately. I really want to see myself in a college the next year. So I have to study and that too very hard. The days went by, I went to institute regularly on time, completed my assignments, attended lectures attentively and also had a hilarious thought exchange session with my friends. I was slowly overcoming my introvert nature by speaking frankly and confidently with girls. I also met Jasleen daily and we exchanged a few smiles and wished each other whenever our roads crossed by. But it was limited to that only. Occasionally we shared our thoughts but that time was particularly very special for me. Whenever we were having a short conversation my heartbeat would go up rapidly that sometimes I thought even she could hear it because I once noticed her looking at my chest and smiling. I hope it was my smile and not my man-boobs. I am not suffering from gynacomasty by the way it's just excessive fat deposition. Don't believe me? Go and look at the bare body of any obese! Pardon me! sometimes I hyper. Her scent would diffuse through my nostrils stimulating my nasal sense receptacles. But one thing was for good was that I overcame my habit of blushing. It looks cute but there are somethings which you must give up for manliness. 

If my parents would see now, speaking to girls with such confidence I can guarantee that my mom would faint. That's for sure.

Late night studies is a common part of student life and it is a whole new experience. Everything becomes so silent and prominent in the night which just charges up the nocturnal side of me. The silent and empty roads which are full of rush during the day, the dripping of water drops from a loosely closed tap falling in the empty bucket in a ethereal harmony. There is a comic saying in Hindi that love make you an owl. I guess it's 100% correct. After my studies i would simply turn off the lights allowing the faintly glowing street lights and the glistening moonlight of a autumn night clear sky create an ambiance trying to cut-out each other at points and at some places overlap to intensify. Just like a couple who love each other so much that their quarrels are equally deadly. You don't want to interfere as you might end up with a broken body part but after it is over you'll feel the pain while they make out.

I would put on my earphones, switch to a soothing love jazz or blues song, which I hated earlier and sit with my eyes closed on the PG balcony chair. The whole previous month would come back to me and float before my eyes. It has been one month since i first me her and then we became friends though not besties or a couple but i am happy with my progress. Neither too slow nor too slow. Slowly i fade into my thoughts with feint smile on my face.

Pic Credit: Dark 164 


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