Thursday 23 October 2014

Something Left Behind

The lost roads the lost friends
never haunted me till some days ago,
but suddenly one day it came back
like the waves come back after colliding with a rock
shook me and wrapped me in a nostalgic blanket
I never felt so lonely ever before,
it was like lying dead alone in a casket.

I did what I never had done before
picked up my bag and just walked out of the door,
telling nobody without leaving a trace
I went far to the place where I could find my lost friends,
I had no expectations or had any idea what was I to discover
the same old faces or a stranger in an old shell,
but never loose hope I said 
there might something be left for old times sake.

After centuries it seems I am back where I belong
back to the loved ones that I used to know.
but it doesn't seem like them what is used to be
changes have occurred but where is the peace?
The playing children in the garden are no more
have people become so selfish they don't ever greet anyone,

Found my old mates but they seem to have me forget
cause I smiled to them but they never waved back
and left me alone to drown like a shipwreck sailor.
It hurt me like a glass falling from the sky,
scattering to pieces and never to be ever joined
Has time taken its toll or is it the soul
which has evolved to forget the past and remember no-more.

Heartbroken I was about to return when i found something coming at me
the sound seemed familiar racing towards me,
and then suddenly my eyes lit up like a pilgrim finding his god
it was the dog named 'Rosie' whom I raised as a pup.
She jumped into my arms and licked my face and made me laugh
her fur felt so soft her skin so full of life,
like finding a true mate after a lifetime.
Really people do change but somethings never.
In this endless race of the world we all left something behind,
that cannot be recovered.

Also read:- The New Girl In Class & The Closed Closet

If you liked the poem please do follow me on twitter and +1 the post. You can also follow me on Google+.

Special thanks for the beautiful picture to : gratsiography.


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