Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Closed Closet - Ep. 1


Whats the best way to start a Sunday morning? Waking up late at 10:00 am, spending the day laying around lying around like a bag of sand, eating till you vomit or just spend your time with your friends. That's how an ideal Sunday sounds like to normal people. SERIOUSLY i do mean normal. But what if your have a Rtd. Colonel father, a Rtd. School Headmistress as your mother and an overprotective girlfriend? Shit! Doesn't take time to happen. So my Sunday morning routine is running half a mile, skipping for half an hour playing football and then at last an hour trying to become a fish. I meant swimming! Adaptation is the rule of survival and i have found a way to overcome the football fatigue by becoming the goalie of the strongest team as the ball doesn't even cross half the field. So after coming back from all these activities to stress your body which you never should! The human body is very sensitive and should be taken well care of...well that's my opinion.
And even after overcoming the extreme fatigue that i have become used to every week my phone just bursts out with text and missed calls asking why i wasn't able to pick up the phone even though she knows but still girls have these kind of things. My friend once asked me why i don't break up but the fact is that when a beautiful girl walks up to you and confess that she has been checking you out and that she has a crush on you, well you can't just put that away. Its like feeling superior in a herd of singles! Well then i call back and clear her insecurity and blah blah blah!


'Sir! i think we found the document'. 
'What! show it to me, come on bring it here fast'
'Unbelievable...after 23 years of searching finally we found it. My whole adult life has been spent searching this and finally we got the clue'
'But Sir i think we are missing a piece to the puzzle.'
'But this can't be no-body except for the 5 know the secret and all the 4 except me are dead'
'Sir, somebody must have this last piece'
'Well it better be and he better hand me over when i reach it or i will crush his gut and feed on his testicles'
'Dont worry Sir. Teabing we'll find it SOON!' 

Also read: The New Girl In Class


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