Friday 31 October 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep.6 - Some Sleepless Nights

Symptoms are the signs of a condition which has been explained and defined properly. It tells us about the underlying problem and has been seen in many cases in different people and so have been largely generalized. That's the wiki definition. Strange right? I am sometimes amused by the definitions which are given to such words which are so commonly used without even knowing their meaning. Now let me stop boring you and get straight to what you have come for.

Before starting telling the tale of Sourav, (Don't know who he is? Read the previous episode to find out) let me make this clear and some sort of disclaimer that this is inspired by real life incidents and not my life story as asked by some of my friends. Life can't be that filmy.

Apart from all the things I have been engaged into recently, I must not forget that I am a student and my primary aim is studying from which I am deviating, deliberately. I really want to see myself in a college the next year. So I have to study and that too very hard. The days went by, I went to institute regularly on time, completed my assignments, attended lectures attentively and also had a hilarious thought exchange session with my friends. I was slowly overcoming my introvert nature by speaking frankly and confidently with girls. I also met Jasleen daily and we exchanged a few smiles and wished each other whenever our roads crossed by. But it was limited to that only. Occasionally we shared our thoughts but that time was particularly very special for me. Whenever we were having a short conversation my heartbeat would go up rapidly that sometimes I thought even she could hear it because I once noticed her looking at my chest and smiling. I hope it was my smile and not my man-boobs. I am not suffering from gynacomasty by the way it's just excessive fat deposition. Don't believe me? Go and look at the bare body of any obese! Pardon me! sometimes I hyper. Her scent would diffuse through my nostrils stimulating my nasal sense receptacles. But one thing was for good was that I overcame my habit of blushing. It looks cute but there are somethings which you must give up for manliness. 

If my parents would see now, speaking to girls with such confidence I can guarantee that my mom would faint. That's for sure.

Late night studies is a common part of student life and it is a whole new experience. Everything becomes so silent and prominent in the night which just charges up the nocturnal side of me. The silent and empty roads which are full of rush during the day, the dripping of water drops from a loosely closed tap falling in the empty bucket in a ethereal harmony. There is a comic saying in Hindi that love make you an owl. I guess it's 100% correct. After my studies i would simply turn off the lights allowing the faintly glowing street lights and the glistening moonlight of a autumn night clear sky create an ambiance trying to cut-out each other at points and at some places overlap to intensify. Just like a couple who love each other so much that their quarrels are equally deadly. You don't want to interfere as you might end up with a broken body part but after it is over you'll feel the pain while they make out.

I would put on my earphones, switch to a soothing love jazz or blues song, which I hated earlier and sit with my eyes closed on the PG balcony chair. The whole previous month would come back to me and float before my eyes. It has been one month since i first me her and then we became friends though not besties or a couple but i am happy with my progress. Neither too slow nor too slow. Slowly i fade into my thoughts with feint smile on my face.

Pic Credit: Dark 164 

Thursday 30 October 2014

The New Girl In Class - Ep.5 - She smiled back!

Smile, such a simple thing but with the potential to cure and calm the restless, untamed and depressed hearts. A priceless thing which comes free of cost to all of us but its use depends on us. It can make one's day, convey the words untold or maybe sometimes just banish the differences between and make us forget and forgive our quarrels.

21st October:

It took a lot of effort to find out her name and finally I knew something about her though not everything but 'something is better than nothing'. I was late for class as usual and was running towards the lift to stop it otherwise i would have to climb the stairs to the 5th floor and i was in no-mood for a morning sweat shedding course. Besides I didn't want to have a bad impression on her before even impressing her! Interesting?
"First Impression is the last Impression"
Bang! I opened the lift door to find 'Jasleen' inside. Our eyes met for the first time, though not in a romantic way but in a amused way. I was panting and taking heavy breaths while she was trying to figure out what was happening. I was about to freeze at that place again, but this time i managed to escape out of my oblivion and not try to ruin my whole effort. I thanked her for stopping the lift for me but she didn't reply. I was so nervous in the lift as it was just me and her alone. I had the feeling like we were destined to have this moment together and I would propose her and she would fall into my arms saying yes and then we would kiss. When suddenly:


She left the lift in a hurry and then i got out and closed the lift door. We entered the class at the same time and we both were late but fortunately, Sir was late also. I guess this was our day. 

Last night i was surfing around the internet when i found out an article on Wiki-how on "HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE BLUSH" and "HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU" where i found out that you need to focus on your ambition to impress a girl because girls like boys who are ambitious and successful and specifically girls like mature boys not some childish boy still in his diapers. So in full rage i solved about 70 physics problems and had so many problems in those problems that after the physics period, i went out for doubts. The corridor of the institute is always so crowded that you get the feeling of a fair. I was making my way through the rush to my class when suddenly i collided with her. She was coming out of the class and i was looking down at my book and not looking ahead. My book and my mobile phone which i use a calculator most of the time rather than messaging or calling fell on the ground. To be true I am of 90kg and colliding with a body like me imparts a large momentum. She was about to fall but my reflexes was with me now as i grabbed her by her waist. It was nothing like the Bollywood movies though. Her notebook fell along with her specs but none broke for god sake. Even my Nokia Lumia 630 with corning gorilla glass was in one piece. All my classmates were now whistling at the scene and the girls began than "Oooooh! hooo!

I was blushing holding her like that. I left her waist ( really i wanted to never let go) picked up my mobile, my book, her notebook & glasses and handed those to her. I left the place quickly and went to my seat when suddenly she called me from behind:

"Excuse me, thank you"

My happiness was out of bounds for a moment. I replied her " Its ok! I am sorry"

She left the door and i was going back to my seat when she came back.

"Its nice to meet you, my name is Jasleen, what is your name?"
We were having an eye contact again but not one like before. She had a broad smile on her face and her red cheeks were so prominent.  

Smiling back, I replied " I am Sourav".

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Thank you.

Please also view the mastermind of the picture: Click Here

Wednesday 29 October 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep.4 - What is her name?

Impressing a girl can be very difficult, very very difficult for boys like me who have a problem of freezing in front of girls they like. Speaking of me frankly, I can give advice to a lot of my friends on how to crank up a conversation with their 'crushes' and get on with them but when it comes to myself, I just need a Councillor for myself. You can always send a friend request on Facebook via the mutual friends option and chances are that when she is online and you send a 'Hi' she will reply back and that smile on the face of boys when they get that reply is priceless. It is similar to the smile when you give after winning a battle like the one in the movies like '300' but without the 'This Is Sparta Roar'. In that split second of time they imagine of her as their girlfriend, then wife progressing towards to children and then to the cupid part! Or sometimes spend an entire month researching about her by following her on twitter and then one day show up like you are from the CIA knowing everything about her. Probably, she'll just freak suspecting you of spying on her.

Studs do-not have to go through these process. But what happens when she is the most beautiful girl in the institute in which you study? Many boys are dreaming of her as you are, some of them are reputed playboys who can play guitar, flirt around openly and also convince girls to go out on a date with them. The competition level increases and as Charles Darwin told many years ago, "It's the survival of the fittest". So what to do? Go up to the web and search up Wiki-how on "HOW TO IMPRESS A GIRL" or "HOW TO MAKE A GIRL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU". Childish right!, well that's exactly what I did.

To start off my quest I needed the basic information about her. Her name, her hobbies, her friends, her family and all that. It's just like a detective investigation, just imagine yourself as Conan or 007 or James Gordon. So how to find out her name? 
I figured out some ways:
  1. Ask her directly (seriously? If I had the guts, I would not be writing this then)
  2. Search up the results list when she is looking at it or look up her notebook. But as it is not school nobody writes their name on the cover page.
  3. Ask the girls. But not her friends as they will convey her the message that you were inquiring about here with some added spice and salt. It'll just ruin your whole effort and my effort of writing so much so just don't try.
  4. Ask the fellow girls. Often girls have a huge network and if you have girl classmates you have good co-ordination with you can just easily find about her like I asked Aymni and Simran. They sure gave me some raised eyebrows in return.
But finally after 2 days of hard-work (exaggerating) I finally managed to get her name. As beautiful as her looks and a one which could just make you fall in love with. Let me unveil her name with applauds and a drum roll. Her name is Jasleen.

Also read: Episode 2

Please also check out my poems. I appreciate you taking time to read this. Its takes a lot of effort so please do share, it takes only a sec. 

Follow me on Twitter and please give this post a +1. I am just establishing myself in the world of blogging so your comments are really worthy to me. Thank you have a nice day. Peace

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Gift From Salk, Thank you Doc!

It is difficult to do spend an entire life,
Without the presence of loved ones.
It is even more difficult to face the harsh world,
When some parts of your body are gone.

But when I look at my baby angel at night,
Sleeping so peacefully in the rocking cradle.
I take a deep breath of hope and satisfaction,
That she will not have to face the cruel consequences.

How important can 2 drops be for a better life?
People question and they need to understand.
How is to not feel the presence of your limbs,
Ask those who suffer, so never take a chance.

100 years have passed of this legend that once walked,
Making the dust beneath his feet feel proud.
Finding a cure against this deadly disease,
Is as big as protecting the children of future in a shroud.

While my crutches have become a part of me,
And of those who have suffered the pain.
May the future generation never even get to see this,
2 drops should never be forgotten, even in vain.

Read my other poems: 
Story Series:

Please follow us on twitter and also +1 the post on GooglePlus. I thank you very much for visiting my blog. I would also like to pay my respects to Dr. Salk for discovering the polio vaccine (inactivated).

 Note: The image used is not mine and not intended for commercial uses. 

Monday 27 October 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep. 3 - Love or Lust?

People say that in this age, this is normal and there in nothing to be ashamed of. Those who say this to you in private tend to just deviate from their views when asked to speak out in public so never take free advice. Sometimes they may work out but speaking frankly they turn out to be hollow maximum no. of times.

8:00 pm

I have been thinking about her for an hour now and now I just get so sentimental when I think about her. My friends have been teasing me for the last half and hour making moaning sounds and trying to get me aroused so that they can film me and then make the video viral via whats-app. Lovepreet has been buzzing around me every half an hour trying to get her name our of my mouth. But the tragedy is that even I don't know her name. I can't even concentrate on my studies. I just lie down on the bed, grab the pillow and just embrace it like I am making out! Weird! I just keep gazing at that picture of her I managed to snap secretively while she was looking the other side. Its just a side-view of her in a black dress and zebra print pants and with her natural to die for smile on her face.

9:15 am

I have been noticing her since she came to our class for the 1st time. She just attends the physics class and then goes out to attend other classes from different teachers. There have been short encounters between us at the classroom door when we literally almost collided but I managed to evade every-time. Speaking from the heart, I didn't want to and was so excited for my collision but my reflexes always betrayed me. When I want a collision it saves me and I have had injuries due to colliding bicycles but then it just kept me frozen like inviting it to just collide me. Sometimes when I  look at her during the periods and she looks back I just turn my head away and then keep blushing alone. She never smiled back though. I sometimes think if this is just another crush of mine or finally I am in love? I have read books stating that these emotions are just due to the action of different hormones gushing through our blood. Or sometimes I think is it just lust? Cause sometimes I get aroused thinking of her. Whatever it is, I just want to know her better and don't want to hurt her any way..... 

Episode 2: Click here
Something left behind: Click here
Father of a teen: Click here

The picture credit: ►PICTURE →
                                                              ©Artwork by: 風花風花

Please do follow me on twitter and +1 the post on GooglePlus. Also follow me on linked on from the sidebar. Share the post, show us some love. I really appreciate you visited my blog :-)

Sunday 26 October 2014

Father Of A Teen

Time is changing for sure,
But in which way?
Children wanting to grow up fast
Adults to become they say.

They want to enjoy their lives,
Party hard all night and play.
Come back home in morning
All drunk up and sleep all day.

Nocturnal creatures they say they are,
Wild and Free.
Never try to stop them for they are
Rebels who are born and live free.

Explore new things, curious all day.
Want the things out of their reach
Cause money is nothing but for
Fashion, luxury and show-off they say.

'Grow up Dad!' She says, its my life.
I can mess around with anyone.
Don't you dare intervene in my business
Cause nobody can deprive me from my birthright.

People define this as generation gap.
But we have seen the world we say.
For its good and bad and the words we say,
is for your own good so we pray.

Technology is becoming smarter,
but are they smart enough today?
Hybrid views have become prominent.
But life is unstable, no peace no atonement.

Maybe its just me, who keeps fussing around,
Finding out nooks, can't adjust in this age now.
So, maybe I didn't see it coming my way.
I am the father of an adult teen now.

If you liked the poem please follow me on twitter and also +1 the post on Google Plus. You can also follow me on linkedin from the sidebar icon. 
For blog updates follow me on Tumblr.


poems for dad
eulogy of dad
from father to daughter.
adolescence puberty.

Friday 24 October 2014

The Diwali Hangover!

Even Diwali has hangover, but people find it hard to imagine.

Diwali is fun, the lights the sound the atmosphere and of-course the delicacies is just hard to forget overnight. We wait for this event for over an year. It is the season of holidays and we get the chance to break free from the stress that entangle us.

The sad thing is that it lasts for only one day but its effect continues till the next and the day after and after also. The lighting on the balcony, the bag full of firecrackers,the plate full of sweets...kaju katli, barfi, kismis, almonds...ummm!! If I don't stop now then I won't be able to complete it.

Even after Diwali we light the lamps, shape up the last day rangoli,switch on the neon lights and set off with the packet full of crackers which was left to burn from last night. In my case it is because of the city restrictions to not burn crackers after 12:00am. Well, in my case the left over crackers include the 'sutli bomb' , 'mirchi bomb' and now we expermient with these all day. Some are exploded in the cracks and crevices of bricks, some in hollow bamboo sticks and some in closed cans and then shoot videos with all the crazy expressions. 

Ah! and then comes the 1 year wait which is really worth it.

What is your Diwali hangover, let us know in the comments.

If you like my blog please follow me on twitter and also follow me on Google+ and +1 the post.

For our daily activities follow on : Tumblr.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Whoa! This just took it to a whole new level! - STEP UP ALL IN REVIEW

The 5th Installment takes it to a whole new level. 

I am a huge fan of the Step Up Series and have watched every single movie starting from Step Up 2: The Streets. Perhaps it was best in all of the installments cause it had Briana Evigan in it and her sizzling dance in the rain made the masses go crazy. But guess what, she is back! and this time with a BOOM. We got Mooze for a full time now, The Mob, The Old crew and this all takes place in Las Vegas!

There is a rule that 'WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS' established by the infamous trio of the HANGOVER. But the rule is defied and they go VIRAL.

The story starts in LA where Sean and The MOB take part in auditions to get their careers settled so that they can make DANCE their day jobs but none turns out for them. When his CREW leaves him, Sean goes back to Moose who arranges for him the OLD CREW... Monster...Kiddo...Robot...The Santiago Twins (My Fav) and a new cha-cha-cha.
They all shoot a video to take part in THE VORTEX, a show hosted by a famous Pop Star. During their journey they end up in rivalry with the Grim Knights.

During the battle rounds, the new crew LMNTRX ends up competing against The Mob thus having a whole turmoil in their relationship. Briana and Sean also face relationship problems from their past lives. During their journey to the final, they find out that the whole show has been pre-planned and they were never going to win anyway. The reality of the reality TV shows. So what happens ..... the come together and they BRING THE HOUSE DOWN.

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Something Left Behind

The lost roads the lost friends
never haunted me till some days ago,
but suddenly one day it came back
like the waves come back after colliding with a rock
shook me and wrapped me in a nostalgic blanket
I never felt so lonely ever before,
it was like lying dead alone in a casket.

I did what I never had done before
picked up my bag and just walked out of the door,
telling nobody without leaving a trace
I went far to the place where I could find my lost friends,
I had no expectations or had any idea what was I to discover
the same old faces or a stranger in an old shell,
but never loose hope I said 
there might something be left for old times sake.

After centuries it seems I am back where I belong
back to the loved ones that I used to know.
but it doesn't seem like them what is used to be
changes have occurred but where is the peace?
The playing children in the garden are no more
have people become so selfish they don't ever greet anyone,

Found my old mates but they seem to have me forget
cause I smiled to them but they never waved back
and left me alone to drown like a shipwreck sailor.
It hurt me like a glass falling from the sky,
scattering to pieces and never to be ever joined
Has time taken its toll or is it the soul
which has evolved to forget the past and remember no-more.

Heartbroken I was about to return when i found something coming at me
the sound seemed familiar racing towards me,
and then suddenly my eyes lit up like a pilgrim finding his god
it was the dog named 'Rosie' whom I raised as a pup.
She jumped into my arms and licked my face and made me laugh
her fur felt so soft her skin so full of life,
like finding a true mate after a lifetime.
Really people do change but somethings never.
In this endless race of the world we all left something behind,
that cannot be recovered.

Also read:- The New Girl In Class & The Closed Closet

If you liked the poem please do follow me on twitter and +1 the post. You can also follow me on Google+.

Special thanks for the beautiful picture to : gratsiography.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep. 2

Have you read the Ep. 1, if not first read it here : Episode 1

Opening the door slightly and sliding her face in, she looked around the class like scanning an unknown place. I was busy into some other work which was having random talks about politics, celebrity and of-course and obviously study but the frequency was very less...very very less. Behind me Rajat was busy pasting "KICK ME" placard onto my back so that when i get out i get my arse kicked like hell.

The first glance:

To stop Rajat pasting that thing on my back i turned around with sudden agility and it was then my eyes caught the glimpse of the beautiful lady entering our class like a newly wed bride enters her husband's home to bring happiness and joy to the family. Well but if you got a wife that sweeps her broom on you rather than the floor then the situation is a little different. Well, not getting into the things that are salt to the wounds caused by marriage in the life of men i just come back to describe her sheer beauty. I wonder if i can ever forget those eyes so deep so black and to add a crown on it her black eyeliner. Her hands having the 'Punjabi kada', a friendship band and a steel bracelet having her name engraved on it which was so feint that it was not visible from that distance. Her bag resting on her left shoulder and a water bottle on her right hand. Her skin tone so white resembling that of a Caucasian. Her cheek had a natural pinkish tint to it and subtle spots in a triangle formation resembling a cat's face. She wore a yellow top with back cardigan and tiger stripped shorts combined with a 'light brown juti'. Well like most of the Bollywood movies there was no sudden wind blowing or music starting to play in the background or no flowers starting to fall from heaven but i was just awestruck. She with her friend went towards the second last seat to the row on my right side and to not feel embarrassed i looked towards the other side. While passing by my side she asked me to keep the bag aside. Believe it or not i was blushing like a girl and her deo had such a fragrance that it was attracting me like a drone is attracted by the queen bee! I removed the bag and she sat on her bench, took out her red Ray Ban spects and wore it such subtle elegance.

The bell rang and the period began. We stood up to greet the teacher but i was actually greeting her...   


Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Closed Closet - Ep. 1


Whats the best way to start a Sunday morning? Waking up late at 10:00 am, spending the day laying around lying around like a bag of sand, eating till you vomit or just spend your time with your friends. That's how an ideal Sunday sounds like to normal people. SERIOUSLY i do mean normal. But what if your have a Rtd. Colonel father, a Rtd. School Headmistress as your mother and an overprotective girlfriend? Shit! Doesn't take time to happen. So my Sunday morning routine is running half a mile, skipping for half an hour playing football and then at last an hour trying to become a fish. I meant swimming! Adaptation is the rule of survival and i have found a way to overcome the football fatigue by becoming the goalie of the strongest team as the ball doesn't even cross half the field. So after coming back from all these activities to stress your body which you never should! The human body is very sensitive and should be taken well care of...well that's my opinion.
And even after overcoming the extreme fatigue that i have become used to every week my phone just bursts out with text and missed calls asking why i wasn't able to pick up the phone even though she knows but still girls have these kind of things. My friend once asked me why i don't break up but the fact is that when a beautiful girl walks up to you and confess that she has been checking you out and that she has a crush on you, well you can't just put that away. Its like feeling superior in a herd of singles! Well then i call back and clear her insecurity and blah blah blah!


'Sir! i think we found the document'. 
'What! show it to me, come on bring it here fast'
'Unbelievable...after 23 years of searching finally we found it. My whole adult life has been spent searching this and finally we got the clue'
'But Sir i think we are missing a piece to the puzzle.'
'But this can't be no-body except for the 5 know the secret and all the 4 except me are dead'
'Sir, somebody must have this last piece'
'Well it better be and he better hand me over when i reach it or i will crush his gut and feed on his testicles'
'Dont worry Sir. Teabing we'll find it SOON!' 

Also read: The New Girl In Class

The New Girl In Class - Ep. 1

Sometimes, i really think that i should have listened to my parents and have studied harder and clear the Medical Entrance Exam. Well now that i am a DROPPER which is the term used to describe students who after passing class XII don't go to college but prepare for the next year entrance exams. Sometimes i really feel like i am living a nightmare...

7:00 AM

The 5th time i snoozed my alarm and this shit just keeps on ringing and i can't even find the dismiss button. My roommate is already ready for the class and rather than helping me wake up he is just so busy styling his hair with pomade like he's got to impress some girls to get on with them!. So pushing the heavy armored blanket and letting the cold air giving me shivers just gives a reflex habit of looking at the clock and saying those 4 notorious words "FUCK" i am gonna be late so late. Practice makes a man perfect and getting ready for classes in just 10 minutes from waking up to brushing to taking a shower to pooping needs experience and a strong reflex. I don't know why i am stressing on the word reflex so much, it must be because of the yoga "PRAVACHAN" on radio the PG landlord switches on everyday to wake up and gurgle. Sometimes we can skip some steps which are commonly step no 2 & 3.

8:00 AM

Just managed to reach the class in time to find it packed like a refugee camp! Finding a place to sit even takes eagle vision and when you find it reaching to it takes a hell-a-lot effort as you have to skip past dozens of bags, edges of tables and especially those narrow passages in which my belly gets stuck you reach your sit which has been reserved from the first day and your friends manage to safeguard it by hook or crook until you manage to show up. So let me introduce you to some of my friends... Lovepreet Singh Grover from Amritser, Kunal kashyap from Ambala, Rajat hood from Haryana and some of the girls with which we are friendly... Simran from Ludhiana, Ayumni from Jammu & Shikha from Una.

8:10 AM

First period is about to start in a few minutes and we all hope that it's not Biology as it is a catalyst to our never ending sleep. Suddenly a new girls enters......