Monday 15 December 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep. 10 - A Walk In The Park

January 12,

It has been a long time since that 'almost kissed' incident. And i know that i haven't updated for quite about a month now. But believe me i was too busy. Now that January has already begun and our final lap for the PMT's are close around, there's no time to fuck around for sure.

A few days back when we were back from the new year weekend's we were welcomed with a test series of 12 tests without even a fu****g single holiday. Now that i am abusing too much doesn't mean that i am angry or something. It's simply that my mind has gone crazy. I mean who has a test on a new year's day? By the way Jasleen and i patched up once again after a nasty fight about me talking to another girl. I just don't get these 'girls' logic at all. I mean maths is much simpler than that even though it's been a long time since i left it cause it gave me the goosebumps whenever i opened the book. The numbers would just jump on me to molest me. I am damn too vulnerable.

First of all, she denied to talk to me, then we became friends, then we almost kissed and then she told me that we should be just friends only. I mean what the fish? Am i a pack of dettol-wipes with which you can wipe your face and also a baby's bum? See i resisted to abuse. Happy now.

Now i don't know what happened to me but during the freezing months of December and beginning of January i got my hands on this awesome heater which kept me warm. I remember that when i was in school we used to put our hands in our underpants to warm them. Jeez! I still think of doing that but that's just seems innocent when you're a child not when you're an adult and that too when you are in your 19's and about to loose your teenage-hood. Some word huh?

There have been some pretty horrible shit back during December when some boys of my hostel/P.G started to smoke weed and cigarettes. It spread like a forest fire and by the beginning on the new year everyone was with a bottle of beer and cigarette stacked in the back of their ears. Holy crap!

Thanks to Jasleen she kept me quite warm during that time so i didn't have to go around searching for something to warm me up. Hey don't force your imagination. She had a heat blower in her PG. My parents came a week back and brought with them a few sweaters. I sometimes doubt if my mom even knows what my age is or she wouldn't bring that red and blue cap and a girls's scarf from my childhood. The sweater is so tight that i think i am wearing one of those sauna belts to flatten my tummy and my mother made sure to make me wear that cap in class. Everyone was laughing but luckily Jasleen found it quite cute.

She was freaking furious after an hour as i was supposed to wear the cap she gifted to me rather than the one my mom brought. Guess i am a mamma's boy and she freaking hates it. I wonder what will happen when i will bring her to my home to meet with my mom. It's like the clash of the titans.

So leaving all that, i was surprised too when my marks sky-rocketed during the test series. I was studying harder than ever and even ignored her whatts-app messages. Ignoring in whatts-app doesn't mean that i didn't reply, but i replied a 'humm'.

In no time i was famous in the institute that i started to feel like a saint to whom everybody would come with their problems. You see boy's don't give a crap but hell a lot of girls came. While solving problems, some of them would make such seductive eye-contact with me that i sometimes felt that i was allured by them. Anyone with a working pair of eye-balls could see that i was blushing. She saw it too.

It was the eve of the last week of January, we were crossing the garden towards our PG when she suddenly broke into tears out in the middle of nowhere. It was around 1:30 pm and a freezing day so the garden was almost empty except for a few people and the lovers. Maybe they thought that it was better to stay inside and make out than staying out in the almost foggy and freezing weather. 

I was out of my mind. She hadn't responded to anything i said while walking and her face was also flushed out , so i thought that she was not feeling well and it was better to keep my mouth shut. But i was totally shocked when she started crying. I held her arm and pulled her aside beneath the tree isolating us from the central area of the garden and the pavement running around it's whole length.

'I think it's over'.....'You don't love me any-more'....'You boys are all like that'.

She was sobbing and banging my chest. Hell, it hurt pretty bad. Its winter and everything is a little sensitive you know. I took out my hankee to wipe her tears when i suddenly realized that it was the one in which i sneezed, wiped my hands on after coming out of toilet and it had not been washed for about a week. Yeah, so i kept it back.

'See you have become so freaking senseless'....'why me? what have i not done for you'...'I loved you so much'.

'I love you too baby'....'Please hush now, why are you crying?'....'Please tell me what's the matter?'

'You want too know what happened?'....'Oh you're such a pervert'...'I should have know'...'How could you?'

Really? I didn't know why she was crying so it was obvious for me to ask the reason. It was just a simple plain question asked properly with proper grammar so even a lay-man could understand what i was saying.

She kept crying and crying that i feared of a crowd gathering there. That's what we like to do. Always interfere in other's business. I tried to hug her but she put on a hard slap on my sweet soft moisturized round cheeks. I had not been slapped since nursery. I was beginning to enter the portal to my childhood memories when another blow brought me back to the present. Then suddenly her slapping and screaming intensity increased.

This time i was infuriated so much that smoke started to arise out of my head. No joke. It really happens during winter when you're sweating. I put my hand around her mouth and screamed ' Shut up!'


She calmed down scared of my reaction and i had no idea what the hell i suddenly did. I held her held and told her to look into my eyes.

'Hey look i don't know what you saw or what you interpreted but i just want you to get this into your mind once and for all that i freaking love you. Okay'

Now that moment was really romantic.

I reached out for her lips to kiss her and this time she didn't revolt. Our lips embraced themselves like they were meant to be together. I kissed her slowly that i could feel her soft lips touching against mine. She also went in for it. I could taste the lip gloss she had put on and her breath so refreshing, i remebered the close-up toothpaste commercial with the song 'Paas aao...paas aao...paas aao na...whoaaa'. 

She took my hands from her face and placed it on her hips. Her bag fell from her shoulder as we went deep into eachother. I guess we were kissng for about 3 and a half minutes now. That kiss was so passionate that it could win a MTV Best Kiss awards. I began kissing her neck when she whispered in my ears 'you don't want to do it right here, do you?' 

We both burst out into laughter and i kissed her forehead and we hugged. We were both red hot and sweating that i decided to take off my jacket but when a cold freezing breeze of wind went past me shaking me to my bones, i decided to not be a hero and put it back on.

We held hands and set off towards home.

On my way back she said ' you have a very active libido'.

Guess i have to be docile and suppress the wild beast.


Saturday 13 December 2014

When-ever I walk with you, it is the most beautiful time of my day. I just keep looking at you without having any idea of what is going on around me. 

Thursday 11 December 2014

I feel like I am all alone

I am feeling like i am all alone
This darkness is not like before
Someone come and wake me up
Before the darkness captures my heart

I am falling deep not to return
I patiently waited for my turn
But suddenly everything turned upside down
I am filled with thoughts, sure to drown.

I need the helping hand reaching out wide
Grasping me in it's arms and showing me light.
For the barrier has been crossed and i am exposed
Vulnerable as ever no power to repose.

Morbid air with rotting smell of vermin
It came suddenly without any warning
And took away flooding everything i had
I am doomed and this is making me very mad.

Picture via:

Sunday 7 December 2014

I Promise to Never Regret

I promise I will never regret
Never look back and curse my fate.
For I have done what it needed to be,
It had to be like this, it's my destiny.

Missing the classes and hanging out with friends,
Now alone but it's still in my veins.
The laughter echoes like a mockingbird
But it had to be or it would never be done.

Sprouts of joy no anomaly,
Living life then setting it free.
Friends were the ones who passed by,
No regrets I had my life.

Found a girl who loved me dearly,
Held her close loved her passionately.
My mom and dad always had my back
Fulfilled my needs with whatever they had.

This moment now is all that we have,
Live it it's the end, you'll never get it back.
Have faith and praise God for he is great,
Move forward and promise to never regret.

Thanks @picjumbo for this amazing pic.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Jolly Faces

Dressed up in rags from top to bottom
with wide gaping holes and missing buttons.
Garbage to others which now houses their body
i see them everyday but know nobody.

When the bell rings to end my class
i see these kids screaming alas.
Filling the pavement in a few seconds
here comes the wave of the street legends.

Grabbing my pants and asking for a penny
i show them my empty pocket with no sign of any.
They don't run away but give a smile in return
like an actor having his mask being knitted.

A new face everyday with the old folk you see
happy with ragged clothes and food infected by fleas.
Their parents don't care whether they live or die
they put them to work and rest all day nearby.

One of them one day asked me in utter curiosity
'where is this place you all call university'.
Feeling bad for him i asked why did he even bother
he smiled and said ' I want a better life than this brother'.


Monday 1 December 2014

The New Girl In Class - Final Ep. Teaser

I know that you are older than me and i also know that you have faced a lot of problems in your life. I even got to know that you were emotionally hurt by some jerk you supposed to think that he liked you too. But that doesn't mean that you can't give life another chance. Maybe it was for your better sake. People say that after a stormy sea you can see the rainbow. Well you can't see the rainbow in a sunny day. Life would have been perfect then and nothing is perfect. I know that you must be thinking that i am here to take your advantage and people will say you the same. Maybe one day when you will be standing with some-one who truly deserves your love you will thank god for breaking your hurt so that you could meet the Mr. Perfect of your life. Compromises are made in life and that's an inseparable part but that doesn't mean that you compromises your sacrifices for some-one who doesn't deserve you. See a flower pollen germinates only after it gets to its mate. It falls on a lot of other flowers and ultimately after a lot of hurdles it finally gets its mate that fuses with it to give it a new life. Yes i do say that i have developed a feeling for you and i will say that i have had many crushes before but you are the first i am telling all this. Maybe tomorrow you won't be here maybe we'll never meet but maybe one day when i will become a doctor and you will come with your child to my clinic that happiness on your face would not be a disguise of your internal darkness but a screen, a reflection of all the hurdles you overcame to reach your destination. 

Saturday 29 November 2014

An Unnoticed Jem

His face always hidden in the crowd
His voice always faded in the crowd
His actions always benefited the crowd
His praise always hidden from the crowd.

His action speaks for him in the world.
His speech has no importance in the world
His existence is even unknown to the world
His demise does not bother the world.

His actions remain in anonymity
His name becomes an unknown myth
His friends are his soul and body
He is always there for everybody.

If you meet such a person in your life
Go forward and make him a part of your life
Cause he will surprise you if he may
Be the end of all your problems and dismay.

Picture by:

Wednesday 26 November 2014

The Old Farmhouse

The picture now hangs unnoticed on the wall.
Once proud of itself and stood so tall.
But now memory has faded and wiped it away.
The structure once lively now stands in dismay.

My entire childhood has its presence here
I can still hear the laugh and crying tears.
The door still opens itself for me till day
I wish it could just be another way.

People are fragile and so are memories
Who are you? Have become a common ceremony.
Profits and business have made us distant
Blood now demands blood without hesitance.

The sunlight hauls its way through its wooden windows
The draperies the silverware all now widowed.
The structure trembles but still holds itself
Like a weak grandparent but still makes us feel its presence.

But it will be someone other's the next day.
And he will dismantle it all for he may
Rebuild this into a grand hotel full of guests.
Oh my old farmhouse, may you finally rest.

Pic Credits:

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Planet Earth's Lullaby
Oh! sweet summer rain
do come again.
to quench my thirsty thirst
and fill me up again.

You make me so happy
like gifting a present.
and my mouth thank you by
shaping it like moon crescent.

Look here look there
the seeds are sprouting up.
the sun's gonna kiss their cheeks
and help them to grow up.

You'r like me my father
providing me shade.
cooling me down whenever
they make me a hot head.

They need to understand
that this planet is their home.
and think just a little
and then act on their own.

Sunday 23 November 2014

In the wrong boots!

My childhood dream was one of a kind
to be the king and savior of mankind
becoming rich and famous was my aim
i didn't know that it took struggle and pain.

When i was 15 my parents had me called
to ask me my plans for the future to come.
I said i want to be a kind human being.
'Shut up' son, you'r now a grown human being.

The society had fixed my career
to what i was to fulfill
but never asked me what i wanted
cause they say it's their good will.

I wanted to ask them what if
a carpenter was to garden the lawn
or a plumber to treat a man
or the sun to make an omelette
even if they can-not and never can.

But i couldn't go my way
or i would be an outcast
the society had rules to follow
and those you can't surpass.

Now i am everything they wanted me to become
suited booted warrior with a good source of income.
achievement is just a delusion of materialism
i am in the wrong boots of social fanaticism

Friday 21 November 2014

We need not speak

I hear you loud and clear
Oh my darling, Oh my dear
In your silence your heart shall speak
To communicate, we need not speak.

Your eyes reflect your thoughts
Your body presents those thoughts
Your smile beautifies it even more
We need not speak any more.

Open your mouth, but not to speak
But to kiss me my love, so that our souls meet
And to keep your heart open for my words dear
we need not speak anymore.
Oh my darling, Oh my dear.

Saturday 15 November 2014

You were there when nobody was!

When i read you
I am in another world,
with you by my side
and you characters in my mind.

When virtual becomes real,
I seem to forget
I looked at the clock five minutes ago
now when i look, it’s too late.

I scream when i read you
I kiss when i read you
I hug you sometimes so tight
and even sometimes fight.

You were in another place it seems,
waiting for me coming in my dreams.
pleading me to take you with me
so that you could make me feel.

Ignore the grammar which say’s you’r a thing
you are my best friend, better than human being.
You never speak back when i throw you away.
Cause you are in always in my heart, even when you’r away.

Pic credit:

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Till death do us apart!

Courtesy of Flicker
We fought so hard,
We loved so hard.
But still till death,
You cannot do us apart.

You smile with me,
You cry with me.
Like two faces of
A single soul, a single entity.

We were never compatible
Nor we were each other's choice.
But our destiny has intertwined.
It's what's the God's choice.

So whatever people might say,
We will live, we will scramble.
Because we are made for each-other.
And that's something,
I don't want to gamble.

A small note from myself:

If you liked my poem. Please share on twitter/facebook/G+. It helps me a lot to grow my audience.
Thank you.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Its not worth acting cool that you cool down permanently. Please don't smoke.

thanks to: Flickr

Being Cool might be the most important thing in one's teenage life. It's just like a status which gives us the credibility and potential to walk up to any girl and ask out on a date or just pomp our dominance in front of our friends and grow up being the leader of a group. You, me and hell all of us have once tried to act cool to impress our friends and then take a quick glance to see if some girl is impressed by our act. Now this observation, is spontaneous and if there is a girl nearby and she smiles, (maybe on some other joke but not your's) you still get a moral confidence of keep on doing what you are doing.

I remember from my school days that wearing branded clothes and having an awesome, jaw-dropping and somewhat unique hairstyle was considered a magnet to attract girls. And god bless those TV commercials that convinced the boys of my age-group that if you put on yourself a shit-load of deodorant, girls would drop from heaven for you. Wonderful!

I remember once getting a extreme short haircut by trimming off my sides and back completely and keeping the middle hair about 6cm long. It took me whole 3 months to grow but it was very popular, at-lest on YouTube as it got over 500k views. The next day when i went to school, i became a laughing stock. Suddenly I became the most popular student, but in a rather disgusting way. Students from class 6-12 would come and take a selfie with me. I even had a hashtag of my own. 

I never wanted to be popular that way, but it is an example that acting too cool might land you in some serious trouble. In hindi, we call it 'beizzati' and in Mumbai tapori language, we call it 'watt lagna'.

So why all this stuff? Well actually I recently faced an enormous emotional turmoil few days ago when I saw a kid in my neighborhood die horridly. Such a death may occur to no-one. He died to lung cancer. Why? 
Because he was smoking the hell out since he turned 17. Too bad he didn't even complete his 21st birthday.

He was a good writer. Grade A category student who fell in to the wrong peer circle. Wanted to write a novel but couldn't write nothing more than a diary entry during his last few days before his abode.
Surprising thing is that he handed me this diary a week before he took his last breath and only a couple of days ago while scrambling through my enormous pile of junk on my study table I came across this single entry in a whole new leather wrapped brown corporate diary. Probably a gift from his father's office who is employed at a local gas booking agency. 

In the front blank page it was written with bold pen:
 " Please do me a favor and share my story to some-one in need"  

So let me share with you this excerpt. Just before starting one heart-touching fact that the cover of the dairy has a very beautiful picture quoting:

Life is to be measured in the deeds we do in this life. You are never reincarnated, it's just a story told to hide your true potential just like a blemish hides your beauty beneath. Living a simple life and dying a peaceful death is only in the fate of the most lucky ones.

November 2                                                                                                11:45 pm

I have been trying to sleep for the last couple of hours but  as soon as i close my eyes, I see my end near. This is not any-one's fault but mine. I can see dark clouds circling around me tightening its grip around me and grasping me to sweep me away with its wrath of thunder and rain. I can bet that my parents are still awake looking at the night sky to wish for my life on seeing any falling star. Even though i don't turn back, my mother keeps coming back every half and hour to see a glimpse of me. Maybe she just wants to cherish my presence in the house while she still can. Even my father, an atheist have turned to gods for my life. Once as strong as a mountain and heart of a lion, even i can see tears roll down his cheeks while staring through the window into the open sky sitting in his armchair.

To define my condition, I am suffering from lung congestion due to inflammation of my lung alveoli and severe bronchial damage. 

It all started when i joined my spoken English classes back in summers of 2010. I got a A plus grade in my high school exam and I opted for literature rather than science stream like everyone else in my class. It was surely a decision I made on my own but my father convinced me to focus on my goals and take my own decisions if I was fully confident. During my first year I made a few friends for which i regret till date. May god never give anyone such friends. But there is nothing to repent now. The damage has already been done. The gong has already been rung. 

We became very intimate as we shared a common mentality. Their names were Rajesh and Samson. Samson was a NRI who came to study in India. Both were from well off families and respectable one's too. Rajesh is behind the bars as of now, and Samson is suffering from AIDS. Namita, a member of our group is currently in a Drug Addiction Cure center. We doomed ourselves with our own hands. 

Once when on a trip to Shimla, our car broke down in the middle of the night and we had no option but park our cars beside the road and set up camp there. Namita was a strong boyish girl back then. Confident, inspiring and with leadership qualities. She was the leader of our group. It was a cold night and we were literally freezing. We had put on all our clothes but the cold was way beyond our wildest dreams. It was then Samson lit on a cigarette and offered it to me. I had never smoked before but that day I took a puff of it as my bones were shaking because of the cold. I never knew that it was the beginning of the end. Rajesh was an alcoholic and smoker. Namita had a bad habit of taking drugs. She took steroid tablets to boost her physique. She even used to do weed and marijuana to get high. She was a party girl. Her life aim was to party all day and night and live her life according to her 'The Boy's Life'. I can bet that's not how an average boy lives.

After coming back from that trip, things began to fall. I remember that I used to stop at every cigarette corner and smoke atleast 4 cigarettes a day. The once bright face of me started to change. I developed dark spots beneath my eyes. My teeth became dis-oriented. 

Once my father when coming back from work saw me, smoking at the corner avenue with my friends. Namita was smoking weed and one of her companions was taking drugs intravenously. She was very depressed as she has no money left with her to buy drugs. She had a bad fight with her parents. Samson's parent's had also scolded him over skype yesterday night because of his dropping grades. In rage and anger he smashed his laptop on the glass-table and cut his hand badly. I was busy taking a sniff from a piece of hashish when my father came out of no-where and slapped me hard. I never saw it coming. He gripped my hand and dragged me back to the back seat of the car and pushed me in. He was very mad at me. Even my mother who had never raised her hands upon me joined my father to slap me up. 

I was so frustrated and the insult in my front of my friends had hurt my ego so much that I ran out of the house and rammed the door behind. I went up to Samson. He was still smoking with Rajat. Namita had left. 

I was fussing about in anger when he told me he had an idea to calm down my mind. He told me to hop on his Harley Davidson bike and raced off towards north. I asked him where we were going but he kept saying all the way that we were headed towards paradise. He was racing the bike at such speeds that if I was in my normal conscience like before would have freaked out. But the hashish had taken it's toll and it made me euphoric and I couldn't feel nothing.

He took me to the red light area. He was a sexist and used to indulge in sexual act with prostitutes without protection. It was his daily habit. Even though they tried to seduce me but I had this much control me that I ran out of that place. It pissed Samson though. 

It was the new year party of 2013 and we were waiting for Rajat at the Club, when news came that Rajat was arrested for harassing a couple and beating up the husband and even injuring the pregnant wife. I was thankful to god that the baby was OK or I couldn't live with it.

A few days later Namita was busted too buying drugs from a dealer. Her parents were begging the police officer to leave her but she had committed a crime and she was to be punished. She was addicted to such a level that she didn't even realize that she was in Jail. She begged the police officer to give her a single doze of liquid heroine. She even begged and cried for a bottle of paint thinner. That look on her face I can never forget. She was later sent to a Drug Addiction Cure Center.

Back in March, Samson was busted in a raid by the police. Even though his parents managed to bail him he was already dead. He was found HIV positive while being diagnosed for severe body pain and fatigue.

Hell had befall us and I somewhere in my heart knew that my end was also near. Late of September I was admitted to the hospital one night due to severe chest pain and blood through my mouth when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The doctor told me that I had only a few days left and there was nothing I could do. 

I used to wake up early mornings thinking that it was all a bad dream but what you do in this life affects you and your loved ones. I used to lock the door and cry and cry. Bang my head on the door, trying to confess for my sins but the arrow had already left the bow. Nothing was to be done.

On November 1st I was admitted to the ICU and undergone a lung surgery but the doctors weren't sure about what was to come. Maybe I will live another year or I will die tomorrow there is nothing I can say. Maybe i won't be able to see the sunlight and this hospital ward is the last of the world I see. I just want to die happily with my parents beside me. That's all I wish.

All this I had done for what. To impress girls, try acting like a cool dude.

Take a dying man's word if you may

He died on November 10th. Five days before his 21st birthday. 

Sunday 9 November 2014

Can Yellow Claw not be hardcore? - Till It Hurts Ft. Ayden Review

All rights reserved to @Spinnin TV
Do you like hardcore? Do you like hip-hop and gangsta but still don't want that softness of house music, then you have to be a trap lover like me.

I got into the trap genre during the late 2011's and after 3 years and 5 months I can say this genre is just kick-ass.

Trap is related with twerking and obscene dancing. That's what most people say but you can't listen to trap without being dirty right? It will get you on your feet.

If you are into trap then I am sure you must have heard about Yellow Claw. They are one of the pioneers of modern EDM trap and every single they release makes you shake. 

So turn up your volume and let the bass consume you or just let the speakers blow cause its the new single from yellow claw featuring an uber chilling vocal from Ayden.

The songs kicks off with a nice synth and 808 snares. Then once the vocal kicks in you can just close your eyes and imagine that you are in a big auditorium in a music festival and clapping so hard that you just forget what's happening.

Then as the songs starts to build-up the bass kicks in, the vocals intensify and then comes the snare roll and the drop. And what a drop it is. Though it is not like traditional yellow claw style but then when the lead kicks in you can't just stop shaking your goddamn head.

The voice of Ayden in some parts sounds like that of Katy Perry's but a more powerful one. You also have a small part of rap but it is not that great. Kind of like what Lil John does in turn down for what and Bend Ova.

Its still not available in the iTunes store but its for sure that once it hits the stores, it'll make a mark of its town. 

They also performed this song in their @Mysteryland set and see for yourself how the crowd went crazy.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep. 9 - I almost got kissed

By Dark164 @
Remember those old days when there was some romantic movie going on and the hero and heroine met after a lot of tragedies and then they were about to kiss in a garden and then the bush comes up guarding their lip-lock. And if you are into the old hindi movies they just turn back away from the camera. Disgusting!

Hey, I'm not being a pervert or acting like one. I also have a girlfriend, well kind of and i was also kissed recently....well, almost but that is a great advancement too. 

So let me take you back in time. Hey wait! I'm not telling you to go back into prehistoric times but yeah a couple of days might just hit the chords. 

December 25 was the day when i asked Jasleen out for a date and unfathomably she accepted the proposal. I tried hard to not act like I'm shocked or something. So with my looks all changed, new shoes, new dress and a huge load of cologne and some peppermint in my mouth i set off to pick-up Jasleen from her hostel.

About my wardrobe if you ask, I put on a brand new henley shirt from pepe jeans and a black slim-fit jeans from Levis and put on a pair of brand new nike sneakers all sponsored by my father's money which I picked up to buy books and stuff. It's not that I am not feeling guilty or something but yeah when he finds it out he's gonna get really pissed on me and I'll be screwed for sure.

I reached the hostel to find out that she was waiting for me near the gate along with some of her friends who were constantly smiling like I was helping her flee and was gonna marry her later. Oh god! The warden was not there as she had gone out for a day and most of the students had gone home as it was holidays so the hostel was almost empty. 

" I thought you'd come on a sexy bike to pick me up and then say 'hop on baby' " said Jasleen.

" I think it'd be rather safe if we go by auto. Why you wanted to be treated like that? " I asked.

She smiled and then, we walked towards the auto stand. On the way, she was looking down and smiling, not like the 'Bahu' smiling on seeing her husband who is coming back after 6 months from job and then you get to finally spend a good time with him and when he goes away and then comes back the next season, you welcome him with his successors on your lap. COUGH!!

She looked confident enough and I was acting somewhat weird I think. Earlier when i used to take an evening walk in the park, I would see couples walking holding their hands together and the people who passed by surely bent in to see the girl's face at-least once. Hell, i sure felt i had all eyes on me.

"You boys must feel really proud by impressing a girl right?"


"yeah, impress a girl, take her out, show her off in front of your friends and then take advantage of her emotions and then throw them off like a rug sac. Very manly of-course"

"No, I didn't mean anything like that. Its just i...i...."

"Don't lie, you wanna share the bed with me, as in the end it's all about showing the strength of your dong"

"No, I'm not like that. Don't misunderstand me. I really like you and want to know you better"

"So, you don't wanna have sex? Are you homo or impotent or do you have any side effects?"

We both were silent and then suddenly we burst out in laughter. Though I was shocked to see this side of her. But yeah, in the end you can't underestimate the power of femininity. 
To be honest, I was trying to hold her hand in mine the whole way.

We reached the auto-stand and then set-off for Dextro City Mall. I made a 3 way plan for the day:

  1. Go to PVR and watch the latest romantic or emotional movies with her.
  2. Have a snack at Cafe Coffee Day or McDonald's.
  3. Return home after a long walk. (Hey i don't have the funds for a long drive) 

But, if everything went according to my plans, then i would become a millionaire till now. She was a whole other personality whom i thought she was. The girl who didn't talk to anyone in the class, only kept herself to her own matters and never interfered in other's work had now faded. This side of her was so vibrant that I couldn't take my eyes of her. She had her control on me. And no matter what people say about 'man-ego' I really loved being manipulated by her.

When I asked her if she wanted to see a romantic movie, she frowned and asked me frankly "Do you really have your balls at the right place"
I seriously didn't knew what to answer. 
"Let's watch Transformers"
"Your wish is my command MAM"

The more frank she became with me, the deeper i felt a passionate feeling of love for her. A funny little trivia i want to share with you all is that couples who walk in the mall with their hands held against each other may seem romantic. But it's a way of the Husband's to save their pocket from burning and their better half from entering and shopping expensive brands. 

At the ending scene of the movie, when the heroine kisses the boy after all the damn city has been destroyed by the robots, i tried to push my hand forward and grasp her hand on the seat slowly. I was trying to touch her palm with my smallest finger and when almost spontaneously she turned around and held my hand firmly and rest her head on my shoulders. It was so unbelievable that i couldn't guess what was going one for a couple of seconds. 

"Hey, don't act like a boy. Be a man, but you are too cute for a man. You can stay that way my fluffy uffy panda"

Later we had a snacks at CCD and McDonald's. I was somewhat happy that something went as planned.

It has been 3 days since the 25th and I still remember the last few moments of that day. It was around 10:30 at night when i dropped her off in front of her hostel. As it was Christmas, there were mistletoe placards around set up by the St.Laurence Episcopal community a 10 minutes walk distance place from the hostel due east.

Everything seemed to pause for a second, the silent cool breeze started to blow kissing her hair locks and teasing her by the neck. I was freezing too. For a split second, our eyes were glued to each other's sight. No movement, no hustle. I made the move towards her lips, she closed her eyes and let her face out. I could feel my heart pulsating rapidly than ever. Then suddenly she paused at some vicinity. She withdrew her face and then went towards her hostel entrance. I turned around and started walking back to my PG. 

Suddenly, she came back and kissed my ice-cold cheeks softly. It's nice to know you. I think I'm not ready for what you might be expecting from me.

I put my finger on her lips and hushed her.

I kept looking at her until the last glimpse of her shadow caste by the winter moon disappeared into the darkness.

Friday 7 November 2014

The Key to HIV-AIDS may have finally been found.

Pic from Flickr by: Trygve Utstumo
The last decade have witnessed many advances in HIV-AIDS research and only last year, the hopes were high from a new vaccine developed by Finnish Biotech company FIT Biotech which was designed to lessen the viral load of the current patients affected from HIV. Though the vaccine is still undergoing test from Spring 2014 with collaboration of two European universities and American pharmaceuticals companies involving 1,000 patients but even if the drug proves effective, then still also it would takes at least another 5 years to be marketed and distributed. It is also claimed that this will be a cost effective solution for the infected ones. 

How does it works?

Basically it's a DNA vaccine that encodes the HIV proteins allowing the patients to produce T cells specifically against HIV. In theory it sounds similar like all the vaccines available earlier which were not 100% effective. With the company's patented GTU (Gene Transport Unit) the introduction of the vaccines would be easy with a very few side effects. 
Coupled with retro-viral drugs, this therapy is theoretically supposed to bring down HIV levels in the body so low that its symptoms would be masked. It maybe able to make it undetectable and also stop it's transmission allowing the patient to be sexually active once again but have to remain under medication otherwise the levels may rise again. Still it's all theoretical and the test results are yet to come. 

So whats the hope? Well here it is...

Patient Zero: The immune's

The journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection published a study on Tuesday detailing the phenomenon of a 'spontaneous cure' and the different ways it is replicated among HIV patients.

According to a research conducted on two HIV patients, the virus remained inactivated in these patient's cells as their genetic code had mutated in such a spontaneous evolution which the scientists call 'ENDOGENIZATION'. 

This mutation seems to have increased the levels of APOBEC enzyme which caused further mutation in the virus.

The researchers stated "We propose that HIV cure may occur through HIV endogenization in humans. These findings suggest that without therapeutic and prophylactic strategies, after several decades of HIV/host integration and millions of deaths, it is likely that that a few individuals might have endogenized and neutralized the virus and transmitted it to their progeny."

In a nutshell...

There are some people who can simply neutralize HIV within their body and such patients have been called 'elite controllers'. Though their numbers are estimated to be less than 1% of the infected.

Till now the medication was based on the methodology of removal of the virus from the body and kill it but now the new research focuses to turn the machinery of the virus against itself and find a cure internally. 

Though it may still take years for such medication to be marketed but the future sure seems bright.

A little knowledge about HIV:

Picture by NIAID@flicker.

HIV(Human Immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's natural defense system. Without a strong immune the body has trouble fighting off disease. The virus and the infection both are called HIV.
HIV infects and destroys certain WBC called CD4+. If too many CD$+ cells are destroyed, the body cannot protect itself anymore. 
If the CD4+ cells count are less than 200 then the condition is called as AIDS. During this stage people get the cancers and infection that rarely occur in healthy people. 
But having HIV doesn't mean that you have AIDS. Even without treatment it can take upto 10-12 years for the first signs or symptoms to show up.


  • Swollen nymph nodes
  • night sweats
  • weight loss
  • tiredness
  • fever

How does it spread?

You can get HIV from contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids.
  • Most people get the virus by having unprotected sex with someone who has HIV.
  • Another common way of getting it is by sharing drug needles with someone who is infected with HIV.
  • The virus can also be passed from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, birth, or breast-feeding.
HIV doesn't survive well outside the body. So it can't be spread by casual contact like kissing or sharing drinking glasses with an infected person.

How to prevent HIV from spreading:

  • Use of condoms while having sexual intercourse with any unknown person.
  • If you are on alcohol, be careful as these can make you forget about precautions.
  • If mother is HIV positive during pregnancy then the child should be under treatment from birth and mother should be under medication during pregnancy. The HIV virus has the capability to cross the placenta and reach the foetus.
  • Do not donate blood, semen or vaginal fluids.
  • Do not donate organs and tell your sexual partner about your condition so that you both can be safe.
  • Donot use used syringes, razor blades etc.
  • Be alert and be careful. 

Being HIV + doesn't mean that you are going to die soon. Proper treatment and medication can let you live a healthy life. Always remember that go to doctor as soon as you fell something wrong and donot hesitate. Life is to be lived donot spoil it by listening other nonsense people.


  1. Wikipedia
  2. Web-MD
  3. News.MIC
  4. Flickr
This post took at least 4 hours to research type and edit. If you share this article with your friends it would be highly thankful. Hope you have a nice and safe day ahed.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The New Girl In Class Ep. 8 - From a Boy to a Man.

Transcending & transforming have always been in the root events of evolution or devolution. Either it can be transcending from an era of darkness towards enlightenment or sometimes an antipodal leap can be devastating and can cause a catastrophic calamity.

Sounds so heavy? I am just trying to bring out the Shakespeare in me.

Recently, I met Sourav at a wedding ceremony of a distant relative of mine that if asked about the relation in the form of a question in some bank entrance exam or public service commission exam then it would make the applicants scratch their head for a while. My main motive of going to a marriage with my parents is to please my tummy and give a small thanks-giving party to it for providing such valuable and constant service so that it doesn't get upset. Cause if it does then a lot of my time is spent in the toilet. Which I really don’t like.

While trying to load my mouth with 3 puris and halwa at once to check my limits I saw him standing at a distance alone with a glass of water in his hand. Lately, I have been into Sherlock series aired on BBC and have learned some detective tips from it for sure. I could judge by his clean and dried fingers and pinkish lips that he hadn't eaten anything. I knew he was back from his P.G as it was his holidays but he should have been eating like an anaconda as much as I knew him. The cuisine served in the marriage was an Indian and Vietnamese combo. The hot sauce and red juicy chicken curry made every attendant’s lips red and made their mouth burn. But he showed none of the symptoms. I walked close up to him to find out an amazing change in him. He was looking handsome as ever. His eyes reflected his inner spark, his obese body was now fat-less and toned. His face once round was now somewhat elongated and he had a goatee now. I saw some girls standing behind some staring at him and smiling among themselves which reminded me of how we would keep looking at girls in marriages.

I couldn't control my curiosity and finally I asked him if this sudden change was for some girl. He narrated me his whole story after which i couldn't just control laughing. I had something like this in my mind and wanted to blog about it. He stared narrating...

5th December

While reading an article about the art of manliness i found out that every article stressed on dressing the proper way. Grooming was a compulsory method to get a girl's attention. Dressing up the proper way reflects your character and it makes the basis of judgement that someone can make about you without even knowing you by your physique. Dressing like a man and not a boy is an important clause here. I once read an article that girls always try to find their father in their partners as he is the only man whom she could blindly trust and who would never break her heart. The problem was that her father was an orthodox Punjabi who wore kurta and lungi most of the time. Its amazing that such a classy and modern girl with such sense of fashion was a daughter of him. 

After spending 6 hours: 32minutes: 40 seconds researching about grooming i finally got up, grabbed my wallet and went straight to the supermarket. I took Rajat with me. He was an expert with hairstyles, waxes and perfumes and an expert always proves beneficial. My wallet was full of coupons and some cash. Earlier i got so many coupons but i didn't ever imagine in my dreams that i would be needing them to buy cosmetics. If my father would see me now he would be flabbergasted to know how a boy who only applied hair-oil was now applying pomade and serums to his hair. As soon as we got to the supermarket we took a lift to the cosmetics section and then just jumped on. I picked up a basket and Rajat started throwing items in it at an amazing speed. He was describing the products so fast that even the salesgirl standing there was attracted to him. He paused for a second but as i was in motion and i collided with him. He turned back and asked "what's your budget". I replied "Rs. 1000". He gave an evil smile and said "lets rob the house".
His expertise was not to be questioned. From shampoos to face-masks to creams to all stuffs he had the knowledge of every brand. In the pile of products in the basket, i saw a Kesh kala. I was about to sing 'surakshit kalev mere baal vasmol ne kiya kamal'. But i resisted. 

The basket was so heavy that it seemed like i almost dumped the basket at the cash counter. The counter girl was shocked for sure. The next day i went to an expensive salon and got a cool haircut called 'undercut'. The sides and back trimmed and spiky on the top. I was just hoping that my parents wouldn't come to visit me this month or a war was expected. I returned to the PG and took a shower and then shampooed my hair and then conditioned it. The next day in the morning before class Rajat made up my hair. When i entered the Institute i felt like all eyes were on me. I was walking with my spine straight up, the imported deo diffusing out my body, my face shining and my eyes gleaming with confidence. As soon as i entered the class everyone was so amazed that i saw some open mouths. I was feeling the power of confidence and that feel was just something different.

Every teacher that came to the class didn't recognize me and asked who the new boy was!

During a conversation with Jasleen, i couldn't stop myself from making cheesy comments. It made her blush for sure. Taking advantage of the situation i asked her out for a movie with me the next holiday. 

"Well it seems you are busy but I think you would love to go out for a movie with me, who knows you may really start to like me".

What? She agreed. Get ready boy. Next stop PVR and CCD.